Oxford Capital Growth EIS

Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

The Oxford Capital Growth EIS offers investors the opportunity to invest in a portfolio of shares in early stage technology companies that have the potential to grow rapidly and provide exposure to sectors in which the UK is a world leader such as financial technologies and future of retail.

We aim to invest in businesses that are solving commercial, technical or scientific problems in innovative ways. The companies in our existing portfolio operate in a number of sectors such as software, consumer internet, digital media and healthcare. When selecting new investments, we look for companies that exhibit high-growth characteristics or potential.

It will normally take between 12-18 months for an initial subscription to be fully invested into a portfolio of companies. We aim to exit most investments within 5-7 years. We may hold investments for longer if we consider that more value could be returned to investors by doing so. Similarly, investments may not be held for the three-year EIS-qualifying period if a suitable exit opportunity occurs sooner or if the company fails. We will not necessarily be able to influence the timing of exits to the advantage of our investors.


  • Aim to exit most investments within 5-7 years.
  • Target return for the Oxford Capital Growth EIS is 2x your subscription during the life of your investment.
  • Initial subscription will typically be invested in 8-12 companies.
  • 5 years of strong performance - 24% IRR

Investment strategy

Our strategy aims to invest in the “best of British” businesses that are solving commercial, technical or scientific problems in innovative ways.

These companies fall into two types:

- “high potential” - deep tech companies developing ground-breaking technology

- “early growth” - tech enabled companies, disrupting existing markets and at product/market fit stage

We look to support credible, talented and highly driven entrepreneurs. When selecting new investments, we look for companies that exhibit high-growth characteristics or potential. We aim to invest early in the late seed stage, and back progress. In addition we look for companies that have the potential to have a positive impact on the environment, and on society.

The companies in our existing portfolio operate in a number of sectors such as software, consumer internet, digital media and healthcare.

Portfolio companies

Key team

David Mott - Founder / Partner

David co-founded Oxford Capital in 1999 and chairs the Investment Committee. He is passionate about investing in and building businesses from seed to exit. During his career as an investment manager, he has led numerous investment and exit transactions, including both IPOs and acquisitions. David is also Chair of the BVCA’s Venture Capital Committee to promote the long-term sustainability of the UK’s venture capital sector and support the thriving enterprise economy. He spent his early career with Result Ventures, PWC, Deloitte and Jardine Fleming.

Richard Roberts - Investment Director

Richard has worked in venture capital for over 10 years and is a member of the Investment Committee. His experience lies in strategic and financing transactions for UK SMEs within the TMT, property and clean-tech sectors. Richard’s early career was spent at HW Fisher, a UK Top 30 Chartered Accountants firm, providing advisory services in the wealth management and property divisions. Richard is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, and the Institute of Consulting. He currently sits on several portfolio company boards.

Clarissa McKay - Investment Manager

Clarissa manages the Co-Investor Circle, leading the placement activities and facilitating direct investments into Oxford Capital portfolio companies on a deal by deal basis. She has significant experience working with private investors in the EIS and venture capital sector, having transacted on over 20 investments. Responsibilities include new investor origination and on-boarding, deal execution, portfolio support and improving the operational running of the team. Before joining Oxford Capital in 2016 Clarissa worked as an investment consultant for Aviva. Clarissa is a member of the CISI and holds the Level 4 Investment Advice Diploma as well as acting as a director on several portfolio company boards.

Stephen Hampson - Investment Director

Stephen is an Investment Director focused on deal origination and new investments at Oxford Capital in addition to portfolio development and management. Stephen has over 20 years of experience in building technology companies as both a CEO and investor with experience in a wide range of industries, technologies, and geographies; including the Middle East, Australasia and Europe.

Stephen has been involved in the creation of more than 30 deep-tech companies as founder and CEO of Powerhouse, an investment company that developed, incubated, and funded spinout companies from universities. Investing at seed stage and supporting founders through scale-up and growth, Powerhouse investments came from a wide range of technology sectors, including digital, robotics, green technologies and life sciences. Stephen led Powerhouse through to a first-of-kind listing on the Australian stock exchange.

Exit strategy

The Oxford Capital Growth EIS is a longterm investment. Our aim is to exit the majority of investments five to seven years after we first purchase shares. This is not always possible, and it is not unusual for venture capital investments to be held for periods of ten years or more. Investors should note that there is no guarantee that an investment will exit at three or so years from acquisition merely because this is the minimum qualifying period for entitlement to certain EIS tax advantages. Exits usually take the form of trade sale, IPO or management buy-out.

Past performance

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Oxford Capital is an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) as defined by the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), providing access to Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) and Co-Investor Circle (a MiFID service). Oxford Capital invest in unquoted securities, which are classified by the FCA as a Non-Readily Realisable Security (NRRS). As such, these products may only be marketed to limited categories of investors, relating to knowledge, experience or financial situation. Oxford Capital do not provide an advised service. You are required to make your own independent assessment, or seek professional advice, in respect of the suitability of any investment you may make with Oxford Capital. Sole responsibility for suitability of the investment for an investor, including the legal, regulatory, tax and investment consequences and risks of doing so, lies with the investment adviser or with you should you choose not to seek advice.

There are significant risks associated with investing in NRRS. These are detailed in both general and specific terms within individual product Information Memorandums, which you are urged to read before making any investment decision. However, we provide here detail of many (though the list is not exhaustive) of the key risks of the types of investment products Oxford Capital offer.

Capital at Risk
Oxford Capital invest in unquoted securities. Such investments can be considerably more risky than investments in quoted securities or shares. Investing in unquoted shares may expose you to a significant risk of losing all the money you invest. You should ensure that you are able to bear any such losses before making a decision to invest. Before investing, you are strongly recommended to consult an authorised person specialising in advising on investments of the kind described on this website.

Liquidity Risk
Unquoted securities are illiquid investments, meaning it may in practice not be possible to deal in them, and exit from a shareholding investment is often only possible by sale of the entire company. Unquoted securities are often subject to transfer restrictions and difficult to sell. An investment in unquoted securities should be considered a long-term investment. That is to say, although you may qualify for EIS tax advantages in relation to a qualifying security after three years, it may in practice require you to hold your interest in that security for significantly longer than this.

Valuation and Dealing Risk
Unquoted securities are difficult to value and it is hard to assess the risk of investment at any given time. Even where a valuation is provided, there is no certainty that third parties will be willing to deal at that valuation.

Tax Risk
Tax reliefs are dependent on individual circumstances and references to tax laws or tax levels on this website are subject to change. Oxford Capital does not offer tax advice.

Early-Stage Investment Risk
Oxford Capital invests predominantly in early-stage companies. Early-stage companies are exposed to significantly more risk than more established counterparts, increasing the chances that they might fail. They can experience significant and sudden increases or decreases in value. They often serve small, niche markets or face the challenge of gaining a foothold in a larger, well-established market. Smaller companies can be less resilient to economic shocks and have higher dependency on key personnel. They can also be vulnerable to sudden changes in the nature of their industry sectors, or competition from bigger companies and new market entrants.

Dilution Risk
When investing in early-stage companies, it is possible that the value of your shares could be reduced through dilution, where companies raise further equity capital in fundraising rounds in which you do not participate. This can result in a company delivering a ‘successful’ exit, but early investments returning little or no capital.

Performance Risk
Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated.


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The content above has been provided by Oxford Capital who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm registration number 585981.